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Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot. D.H. Lawrence

My blog on life, the arts and anything in between.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Sad but true..

The fact is you can never truly understand another person. It sounds harsh but it’s true. You can be a friend or family member for years and years and you can listen to their highs and lows but you can never see things from their point of view. They can explain it to you yes, but can words really explain the complexities of a human being? It’s the same with novels. But with novels you are often twice or even thrice removed from the truth. The author creates the mind-set of the narrator and the narrator translates the mind-set of the characters. Subconsciously, the author will always have an opinion on the narrators and characters they are producing and this cannot be removed.
So can we ever really see somebody else? We can see them but only through our own tinted lenses; it is not clear and creates a distorted perspective. And to understand a person from the inside, from their point of view is to access the inaccessible. We should just accept that the only person we can truly understand is ourselves, and even that can be a challenge.

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